The Mission-Critical Resource Center

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NCT9-1-1 Revolutionizes 9-1-1 Service and Delivery with MCP's Guidance

In Summary: 

  • NCT9-1-1 is responsible for 43 PSAPs in 13 counties surrounding the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. They had a vision of leading the 9-1-1 sector with implementation of an Next Generation 9-1-1 system (NG9-1-1) and needed support building a roadmap to get there.
  • Together, NCT9-1-1 and MCP created a strategic NG9-1-1 Master Plan that would enable a complete transition to NG9-1-1 while evolving the organization's entire program.
  • NCT9-1-1 has made significant progress toward realizing the full benefits of NG9-1-1 technology all while enhancing its organizational culture.

On-Demand Webinar: The Aging PSAP - Making the Case for a New Facility

Public safety answering points (PSAPs) and emergency operations centers (EOCs) must provide security and peace of mind for the communities and first responders they serve. Unfortunately, many of today’s mission-critical facilities are aging, unable to accommodate the needs of growing communities and outfitted with technology that is reaching end-of-life. With limited budgets and resources, how do agencies and public safety leaders make the case for a facility upgrade?

On-Demand Webinar: Integrating Broadband & NG911 Into ECCs

As public safety continues to move toward the implementation of next generation 911 (NG911) and public safety broadband networks, like FirstNet from AT&T, agencies need to seriously consider the implications of these new technologies for the emergency communications center (ECC). More importantly, agencies need to understand how the two will work together and why interoperability of these technologies is crucial to successfully improving emergency response.

This on-demand webinar discusses how public safety broadband networks and NG911 need to work together and the operational impact these technologies will have on the ECC.

Improving Emergency Response & Employee Wellness in Iredell County

In Summary:

  • Emergency services in Iredell County, N.C., were faced with disparate, small facilities, aging technology and less-than-ideal working conditions.
  • To overcome these challenges, the County made the decision to pursue a new facility that would house the emergency communications center, Emergency Management/Fire Services department, Iredell County Emergency Medical Services and the the Statesville EMS base under one roof, in a state-of-the-art facility.
  • Today, the new Iredell County Emergency Communications Center is part of a larger complex that houses additional county agencies and departments, allowing for increased collaboration within public safety and the County at large. The new facility also offers improved working conditions for more than 200 public safety employees.

On-Demand Webinar: How to Prepare for Florida House Bill 441

On July 1, new legislation went into effect in the state of Florida that has major implications for public safety agencies. The legislation — HB 441 — introduces stringent requirements for public safety answering points (PSAPs) relating to radio and E911 communications.

The Uses Continue to Emerge: Public Safety Drones and Considerations

In Summary:

  • Public safety agencies are adopting drones at increasing rates to enhance emergency response operations.
  • However, many public safety agencies run into roadblocks in leveraging this technology because public safety use cases generally are not considered in most state legislatures.
  • This whitepaper discusses what agencies should consider as they stand up their drone programs.

In this whitepaper we explore the uses cases, the potential legal impacts of using drones, and the options public safety agencies should consider when implementing a drones program.

The Case for Push-to-Talk in Public Safety

In Summary:

  • First responders have long depended on traditional land mobile radio (LMR) systems that feature public safety-grade radios and infrastructure.
  • While commercial networks are typically not ideal for public safety use, as they can become overloaded during an emergency, commercial push-to-talk (PTT) technology could benefit public safety.

In this whitepaper we explore the pros and cons of commercial PTT technology for public safety, including the improvements to commercial PTT capabilities and the cost-efficiencies the technology offers for agencies. 

Regional Computer-Aided Dispatch Models

In Summary:

  • For years, public safety communications systems have operated as standalone systems that are used to serve the citizens of a single geographic area.
  • As communities have grown, the need for improved communication between dispatchers and first responders, and across jurisdictional lines, has increased. 
  • Agencies across the country have begun to consider regional models for their computer-aided dispatch (CAD) and other public safety systems in order to improve efficiency, share resources with other agencies and reduce costs.

In this whitepaper, we explore two models of regional CAD systems and explore the pros and cons of each one. 

How Relocation of T-Band will Affect Public Safety

In Summary:

  • Public safety licensees in some of the nation's top metropolitan areas that currently operate in the T-Band will need to transition their land mobile radio (LMR) systems before 2023.
  • The FCC will reallocate this spectrum via auction as part of the enactment of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012.
  • Agencies with LMR systems currently on the T-Band face considerable challenges in transition those systems in advance of the 2023 deadline.

This whitepaper discussed the challenges that agencies face during the transition from the T-Band, provides a transitional timeline and offers tips and information for making the transition.

On-Demand Webinar: Assessing Your Communications Networks and Leveraging the Results to Make Improvements

The strengths and weaknesses of your current public safety communications networks can be difficult to quantify and communicate to agency leaders and other officials. To support this effort, Mission Critical Partners launched the Model for Advancing Public SafetySM, or MAPSSM, an assessment tool designed to provide a visual representation of a network’s strengths and weaknesses. How can MAPS help your agency assess, quantify and communicate the current state of your communications network and how can the results be used to encourage decision-makers to make improvements?

Memphis Police and 911 Communications Enjoys a Rebirth with MCP's Support

In Summary: 

  • Memphis Police and 911 Communications was challenged by aging infrastructure, antiquated systems and an understaffed 911 center.
  • To help overcome these challenges, the Shelby County 911 District completed two 911 center staffing studies, built a new state-of-the-art 911 center, and an upgraded computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system.
  • Today, the situation in Memphis has taken a 180-degree turn. The District has decreased their average time to answer a call from 90 seconds to 6 seconds.

On-Demand Webinar: Workforce Optimization

In public safety, staffing has become the proverbial “thing under the bed,” the one operational aspect that keeps PSAP leaders up at night. While personnel churn has always been a challenge in the industry, today it is exacerbated by a healthy economy, with many telecommunicators leaving for less stressful, better-paying jobs, and a shrinking candidate pool.