The Mission-Critical Resource Center

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Infographic: What's Next? Conducting an Incident Response Review

As states begin to reopen and communities slowly return to normalcy, organizations, including mission-critical agencies, must evaluate their responses to the COVID-19 public-health crisis and leverage their experiences to prepare for future crises. What do you need to know about conducting an incident response review?

White Paper: Pandemic Continuity-of-Operations Plans

Continuity-of-operations plans (COOP) represent significant time and resource investments, but also are essential to maintaining the ability of an organization to continue to deliver mission-critical services during, and immediately following, a crisis. 

On-Demand Webinar: COVID-19: Maintaining Operations Remotely

Today’s public safety answering points (PSAPs) and emergency communications centers (ECCs) play a critical role in communities during normal times, but in times of crisis, their role becomes even more important. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues its spread across the country, having a plan in place to support remote work for call takers and dispatchers to ensure ongoing operations is imperative. 

Maintaining Operations Remotely During a Public-Health Crisis

In Summary:

  • As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, public safety, law enforcement and other mission-critical organizations need to prepare for the possibility of remote operations
  • There are a number of options available to agencies for remote call-handling, computer-aided dispatch (CAD), and radio dispatch
  • Which option makes the most sense for your agency to protect staff members from viral illnesses, like COVID-19, with minimal interruption to operations?