The Mission-Critical Resource Center

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On-Demand Webinar: COVID-19: Maintaining Operations Remotely

Today’s public safety answering points (PSAPs) and emergency communications centers (ECCs) play a critical role in communities during normal times, but in times of crisis, their role becomes even more important. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues its spread across the country, having a plan in place to support remote work for call takers and dispatchers to ensure ongoing operations is imperative. 

Maintaining Operations Remotely During a Public-Health Crisis

In Summary:

  • As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, public safety, law enforcement and other mission-critical organizations need to prepare for the possibility of remote operations
  • There are a number of options available to agencies for remote call-handling, computer-aided dispatch (CAD), and radio dispatch
  • Which option makes the most sense for your agency to protect staff members from viral illnesses, like COVID-19, with minimal interruption to operations?

Information-Sharing Enterprise in Georgia Supported by MCP Improves Efficiency, Data Quality

In Summary: 

  • The State of Georgia's criminal justice community knew that it needed to improve data quality
  • While the project started small, it was soon realized that sustainable statewide improvements would significantly improve the flow of data and information throughout the criminal case lifecycle
  • The ultimate goal of the program was to enhance and improve the criminal justice process by moving documents and information seamlessly between systems

Enhancing Law Enforcement with Actionable Data

In Summary:

  • Thanks to public safety broadband communications, a tremendous amount of data can now be implemented into emergency response
  • Data analytics and artificial intelligence are not new, but they are constantly evolving
  • How do law enforcement agencies harness this data in order to improve the way they serve and protect their communities?

On-Demand Webinar: COVID-19: Public Safety Leaders Roundtable

Listen to public safety leaders on how their organizations are responding to COVID-19. Discussion topics include continuity of operations planning, lessons learned, workforce optimization considerations, and communications strategies. An audience Q&A will also be included.

Guest speakers include:

  • Scott Brillman, Captain, 911 Director, City of Baltimore
  • Jim Lake, Director, Charleston County Consolidated Dispatch Center, SC
  • Tyrell Morris, Executive Director, Orleans Parish Communications District, LA
  • Chuck Spalding, NG9-1-1 Director, Palm Beach County, FL
  • Christy Williams, Director, North Central Texas 9-1-1, TX
  • Moderator: Glenn Bischoff, Content Writer, Mission Critical Partners

Implementing a Successful Public Safety Radio System Upgrade

In Summary:

  • Every year, an estimated 240 million calls are received by 911 dispatchers across the United States. Once those calls are placed, the fast and accurate operation of two-way radio communications is essential to support the response. Often saving lives.
  • As traditional technologies begin to reach end of life, it is critical that agencies take steps to implement new technologies to enhance their current emergency response operations.
  • The process for upgrading or replacing an existing land mobile radio (LMR) system can seem daunting, but it does not have to be.

On-Demand Webinar: COVID-19: Actionable Ideas to Help Your ECC Sustain Operations

The Coronavirus (COVID-19) has now reached a pandemic state with dozens more cases and states affected each day. How prepared is your ECC for this critical outbreak, specifically related to operations, technology and Continuity of Operations (COOP) and disaster recovery (DR) planning? In this 45-minute presentation, MCP subject-matter experts share insights on technology, operations and policies pertinent to ECC operations during a pandemic outbreak and actionable solutions ECC staff can implement immediately, as well as preparations for future pandemics.

Developing an RFP for Your Radio System Upgrade or Replacement

In Summary:

  • A radio system upgrade or replacement project does not need to be daunting or overwhelming
  • Obtaining a new system through the request for proposals (RFP) process allows agencies to select a best-of-breed solution, ultimately yielding better results
  • Any RFP should have the same standard elements, but not customizing your RFP to your project could result in proposals for unnecessary work, extra costs and, ultimately, a project that does not meet goals or expectations

On-Demand Webinar: Strategic Planning for Public Safety Agencies

In today’s evolving emergency communications environment, public safety agencies are often expected to do more with fewer resources–smaller budgets and fewer people. This reality means that strategic planning, and determining how best to leverage the available resources, is more crucial than ever before. In this webinar, MCP subject-matter experts Chris Kelly and Bonnie Maney discuss the benefits of strategic planning for public safety agencies and different approaches to development.

MCP's 2020 Public Safety Predictions Infographic

Mission Critical Partners surveyed some our subject-matter experts to hear their predictions regarding what will public safety trends will shape the next decade and the public safety industry outlook. Today's public safety landscape is evolving more quickly than ever before. To help illustrate what's coming, as well as where we believe the industry is headed this year, we put together an infographic fueled by statistics on what's substantially impacting the industry, as well as where we believe its headed. See why the experts believe that actionable data, cloud-based technology deployments and new approaches to workforce management will be priorities.

On-Demand Webinar: The 10 Trends That Will Impact Public Safety

As we enter a new decade of public safety, what trends will shape the next ten years of public safety communications, and the year ahead? In our first webinar of 2020 we highlighted emerging technologies and trends to help public safety leaders make more informed decisions for this year and beyond. These industry trends cannot be ignored. 

The Prescription for Thwarting Public Safety Cyberattacks

In Summary:

  • The FBI advises that it is no longer a question of if, but rather when, any individual public safety communications network is going to be attacked.
  • There is a lot that public safety agencies can do on their own to increase the difficulty of hacking their networks and lessening the effects of cyberattacks.
  • This whitepaper outlines a six-step treatment regimen, and discusses continuity-of-operations and disaster recovery.

A lot can go wrong with public safety communications networks from a cybersecurity perspective.