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MCP's 2020 Public Safety Predictions Infographic

Mission Critical Partners surveyed some our subject-matter experts to hear their predictions regarding what will public safety trends will shape the next decade and the public safety industry outlook. Today's public safety landscape is evolving more quickly than ever before. To help illustrate what's coming, as well as where we believe the industry is headed this year, we put together an infographic fueled by statistics on what's substantially impacting the industry, as well as where we believe its headed. See why the experts believe that actionable data, cloud-based technology deployments and new approaches to workforce management will be priorities.

The Prescription for Thwarting Public Safety Cyberattacks

In Summary:

  • The FBI advises that it is no longer a question of if, but rather when, any individual public safety communications network is going to be attacked.
  • There is a lot that public safety agencies can do on their own to increase the difficulty of hacking their networks and lessening the effects of cyberattacks.
  • This whitepaper outlines a six-step treatment regimen, and discusses continuity-of-operations and disaster recovery.

A lot can go wrong with public safety communications networks from a cybersecurity perspective. 

NCT9-1-1 Revolutionizes 9-1-1 Service and Delivery with MCP's Guidance

In Summary: 

  • NCT9-1-1 is responsible for 43 PSAPs in 13 counties surrounding the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. They had a vision of leading the 9-1-1 sector with implementation of an Next Generation 9-1-1 system (NG9-1-1) and needed support building a roadmap to get there.
  • Together, NCT9-1-1 and MCP created a strategic NG9-1-1 Master Plan that would enable a complete transition to NG9-1-1 while evolving the organization's entire program.
  • NCT9-1-1 has made significant progress toward realizing the full benefits of NG9-1-1 technology all while enhancing its organizational culture.

On-Demand Webinar: How to Prepare for Florida House Bill 441

On July 1, new legislation went into effect in the state of Florida that has major implications for public safety agencies. The legislation — HB 441 — introduces stringent requirements for public safety answering points (PSAPs) relating to radio and E911 communications.

The Uses Continue to Emerge: Public Safety Drones and Considerations

In Summary:

  • Public safety agencies are adopting drones at increasing rates to enhance emergency response operations.
  • However, many public safety agencies run into roadblocks in leveraging this technology because public safety use cases generally are not considered in most state legislatures.
  • This whitepaper discusses what agencies should consider as they stand up their drone programs.

In this whitepaper we explore the uses cases, the potential legal impacts of using drones, and the options public safety agencies should consider when implementing a drones program.

On-Demand Webinar: FirstNet Preparation Strategies

Are you ready for the delivery of your state's deployment plan of FirstNet?  

Listen to this virtual webinar to hear experts from MCP provide insights and guidance regardless of your status in the preparation for FirstNet. This is a can't miss session that will help you build your organization's FirstNet strategy. This session is designed for public safety leaders and FirstNet state single points of contacts.

In this webinar we will discuss:

  • The state plan template from the FirstNet RFP and discuss the most releveant areas states should focus on
  • The ideal team players from the state that should be involved in the evaluation process
  • What you can expect from FirstNet in the coming months and how to respond

On-Demand Webinar: Mission-Critical Vendor Management 101

The average mission-critical agency oversees more than 30 different vendors responsible for various network systems and operations. Agencies are more dependent on vendors than ever before and, as result, their spend and risk continues to increase and their satisfaction continues to decrease. During this webinar, we discuss steps that can be taken to improve vendor performance and drive more value from your agency's vendor agreements.

Discussion topics include:

Infographic: The New Emergency Communications Ecosystem

The public safety sector has reached an inflection point. Technology has evolved dramatically, and the needs and the expectations of the public have evolved as well. What does the evolution of the emergency communications ecosystem look like?

Infographic: Tips for Evaluating Vendor Proposals

Evaluation of proposals and award of a project are not the last steps of the request for proposals process, but they are some of the most important. This infographic outlines tips to keep in mind as you prepare for evaluation and throughout the evaluation process.

Infographic - Evaluating Tips


10 Factors Every PSAP Needs to Consider When it Comes to Staffing the Next Generation Workforce

The Next Generation Workforce: 10 Factors Every PSAP Needs to Consider

There is a lot of change happening in 911 centers today, particularly as it relates to staffing and preparing for the modern public safety communications capabilities that come with text-to-911, Next Generation 911 (NG911) systems, and the availability of enhanced data. This quick read discusses the ten factors that every PSAP needs to consider when it comes to preparing for this transformation.

National Capital Region CAD2CAD Assessment

In Summary:

  • A CAD2CAD initiative within the National Capital Region (NCR) had been successful in reducing response times, a lack of governance structure and no rules or regulations regarding growth kept the model from being sustainable long term.
  • MCP helped the participating agencies lay out a detailed plan for the program's future.
  • Today, the CAD2CAD program sees continued success following MCP's recommendations.

Overview and Agency Challenge

Participants in the National Capital Region CAD2CAD initiative include the City of Alexandria, Arlington County, Fairfax County, Loudoun County and the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA), which consists of Dulles International Airport, Reagan National Airport and the Dulles Toll Road. They looked to expand the CAD2CAD initiative and establish a clear vision and governance structure, as well as determine how to make the model sustainable long-term.

The Evolution of the Emergency Communications Ecosystem

In Summary:

  • Emergency communications centers are not much different from what they were when they first appeared on the scene a half century ago.

  • PSAPs need to jettison the legacy analog call-handling equipment that has existed for the last 50 years, and replace it with new equipment capable of processing calls and data that originates from digital devices.

  • The evolution of the emergency communications ecosystem will result in PSAPs and telecommunicators that will look and behave very differently than they do today. 

The public safety sector and emergency communications has reached an inflection point. Technology has evolved dramatically, and the needs and expectations of the public served by PSAPs have evolved as well. Data has overtaken voice in terms of importance. As a result, PSAPs need systems that are capable of leveraging the enormous amount of data is that already available, yet inaccessible today. Legacy call-handling equipment equipment that has existed for the last 50 years needs to be replaced with new equipment capable of processing calls and data originating from digital, Internet-Protocol (IP)-based devices.