MCP Insights

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A Few Final Thoughts About Organizational Change Management

Previous blogs explored the importance of organizational change management (OCM) and the significant obstacles that stand in the way of achieving it, the biggest being that most people try to avoid change like they try to avoid COVID-19. This blog offers additional insight into a few more OCM obstacles that need to be cleared.

Effective Organizational Change Management Is as Necessary as Change Itself

The Greek philosopher Heraclitus famously said that change is the only constant in life. That’s because change is necessary for survival. Conditions and environments

Organizational Change Management Challenges Abound, but Help Is Readily Available

A previous blog made the case for why continual change is essential for any organization that wants to grow and prosper.

Implementing a Real-Time Crime Center — Key Considerations

In a previous post, my colleague Jack Dougherty made a strong case for why implementing a real-time crime center generally is a good idea.

The Case for Real-Time Crime Centers

When a law-enforcement organization is contemplating the implementation of a real-time crime center (RTCC), it is best to begin with an understanding of what an RTCC is — and isn’t.

Swatting Has Serious Implications and Shouldn’t Be Ignored

A rash of “swatting” incidents recently occurred across the country.

Effective Data Utilization Begins with Governance — Here’s How Courts Agencies Should Begin

A previous blog explored the advantages that can be gained by justice organizations via “big data” approaches that leverage artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). This blog examines the importance of data governance.

‘Big Data’ Is Helping Justice Organizations Address Their Biggest Challenges

“Big data” is an approach used to analyze extremely large, extremely complex, unstructured datasets. While the majority of data that courts create, manage, and are responsible for wouldn’t be considered “big data,” courts can benefit tremendously from recent advances in big data tools.

These Are 2022’s Most Important Public Safety Trends

MCP Insights asked the firm’s subject-matter experts to predict what will occur this year concerning communications technologies, operations, and governance in the public safety sector (law enforcement, fire/rescue, emergency medical, and 911) and the public sector (government and justice). Here’s what they said:

A Toolkit Designed To Help Telecommunicators Get Their Due

A problem long has existed in the 911 community, which is that telecommunicators working in emergency communications centers (ECCs) from coast to coast are wrongly classified by the federal government. This has a profoundly negative effect on their self-esteem, compensation, and career development.

The National 911 Program created a toolkit, with Mission Critical Partners’ help, to address this. More on that soon — but first a little history.

Learn More About How Drones Are Being Used in Public Safety

Over the last two decades, I have written now and then about a relative who was a career firefighter for the city of Chicago. I am writing about him again today because he’s the reason I’m so excited about a panel discussion that I’ll be moderating in a couple of weeks during MCP’s second-annual Conference for Advancing Public Safety (CAPS).

’Once-in-a-Career’ Chance for Federal Funding Exists for Public Safety

The cost of standing up an emergency services Internet Protocol network (ESInet)—which provides the transport architecture that enables emergency calls to be delivered to Next Generation 911 (NG911) emergency communications centers (ECCs), traditionally known as public safety answering points (PSAPs)—is significant. Consequently, the news out of the nation’s capital of late has been encouraging concerning federal funding that might become available to the public safety community for such implementations and much more.