The Mission-Critical Resource Center

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Episode 6: Data-Driven Criminal Justice

MCP's informational podcast series features the firm’s subject-matter experts and other industry leaders exploring a wide range of timely topics pertaining to mission-critical communications.

The sixth episode on the MCP Podcast Network is entitled “Data-Driven Criminal Justice.” This episode explores how data integration can improve the criminal justice process and result in better information and more effective and data-driven decision-making. Every criminal justice agency is dependent on its partners, whether it be courts, prosecutors, corrections, law enforcement, or any other partners for information to be there in a timely manner. Additional topics of discussion include:

Episode 5: Alert and Warning Systems: A Primer

MCP's informational podcast series features the firm’s subject-matter experts and other industry leaders exploring a wide range of timely topics pertaining to mission-critical communications.

The fifth episode on the MCP Podcast Network is entitled “Alert and Warning Systems: A Primer.” This episode explores the varying types of alert and warning systems available in today's market, as well as:

  • The most important factors agencies should consider when deploying a system
  • Red flags to be aware of when implementing a new system
  • FEMA's IPAWS system and how agencies can implement it
  • The pros and cons of onsite versus on-premises solutions
  • The most common mistakes agencies make when implementing an alert and warning system

An edited transcript is available below.

Episode 4: Solid Governance Strategies that Deliver Results

MCP's informational podcast series features the firm’s subject-matter experts and other industry leaders exploring a wide range of timely topics pertaining to mission-critical communications.

The fourth episode on the MCP Podcast Network is entitled “Solid Governance Strategies that Deliver Results.” This episode explores best practices for a solid governance strategy.

An edited transcript is available below.

Panelists include:

  • Nancy Pollock, MCP senior consultant, applies her in-depth knowledge of public-safety communications, legislative, governance, policy, operations, and technology developed over her 35-year career to client engagements.
  • Karyn Henry, J.D., an MCP communications consultant that brings years of wireless and telecommunications group leadership towards legal and regulatory initiatives. She brings policies and procedures expertise to MCP projects to develop for innovative solutions.
  • The episode is moderated by Glenn Bischoff, MCP content specialist and former editor of Urgent Communications and Fire Chief magazines.

MCP's Support of Iowa CJIS Helps to Make the Program 'Irreplaceable'

In Summary

  • The State of Iowa Criminal Justice Information System (Iowa CJIS) is a system of systems designed to enable the integration and sharing of information between the state’s criminal justice organizations, seamlessly and securely, in real time.
  • URL Integration, who became part of Mission Critical Partners in 2020, built the Iowa CJIS from the ground up and today, continue to support the program, which is providing incalculable benefits
  • The program has increased the amount of information being shared across the state’s criminal-justice community and has improved the data of accuracy being sent, among other benefits

The Impact of Records Management System Technology Trends on Law Enforcement Agencies

In Summary:

  • Records management systems (RMS) are the backbone of recordkeeping for law enforcement agencies
  • They enable agencies to capture, store, retrieve, analyze, and leverage data and information to support operations from incident and crime data to personnel files and information
  • RMS technology has evolved substantially over the last several years
  • To meet the demands of law enforcement agencies and the communities they serve, RMS providers have implemented myriad new capabilities

On-Demand Webinar: Trends in RMS Technology and the Transition to NIBRS

Records-management is a cornerstone of effective policing. In today’s data-rich environment, a records-management system (RMS) with robust data-mining capabilities is critical to managing information and maintaining accurate records to keep communities safe. It is also critical for law enforcement agencies to have the ability to effectively share those records and data to support improved crime reporting.

The Lean ECC: A Way to Make ECCs Better at What They Do

In Summary:

  • The emergency communications landscape is changing rapidly and emergency communications centers (ECCs) have adapted the way that they handle 911 calls and support emergency responders
  • Today, technology and science play a much larger role in the way ECCs operate — resulting in new approaches that are not only effective, but repeatable and scalable
  • One such approach, known as the lean ECC, focuses on removing extraneous steps in a center's workflows to help meet national standards 
  • This does not mean reducing staff — rather, this approach leverages an ECCs existing resources more efficiently to enhance the quantity and quality of what is being accomplished

On-Demand Webinar: Moving to NIBRS: Preparing Your Agency for Compliance and Options to Consider

In January 2021, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) will stop collecting Uniform Crime Report (UCR) summary data and only collect data through the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS). There are many questions, both technical and operational, about how agencies can meet the compliance deadline, especially when it comes to the challenges of report validation, personnel training and developing new, effective workflows.

During this session, Mission Critical Partners discusses the following:

Episode 3: How 911 Can Thrive During and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic; Protecting Future 911 Resilience

MCP's informational podcast series features the firm’s subject-matter experts and other industry leaders exploring a wide range of timely topics pertaining to mission-critical communications.

The MCP Podcast Network, created by Mission Critical Partners, recently launched a three-part series entitled, “How the 911 Community Can Thrive During and Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic.” This episode explores how an emergency communications center (ECC) leader's mindset and skillsets can protect future 911 resilience.

An edited transcript is available below.

Panelists include:

The NIBRS Deadline Is Fast Approaching—Here's What You Should Be Doing

In Summary:

  • Law-enforcement agencies nationwide are grappling with their migrations to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), an initiative to intended to improve the accuracy, timeliness and transparency of the nation's crime statistics, which could be used to help identify crime patterns and trends, and ultimately, prevent crime.
  • Numerous challenges stand in the way of NIBRS compliance, and some agencies are at risk of not meeting the January 2021 deadline.
  • This whitepaper identifies the benefits of the migration and explores tactics that could help them meet the deadline.

NIBRS is expected to foster greater consistency in the data that is being collected for each incident that occurs because it has defined standard ways of describing an incidentand collecting the data, so that apples-to-apples comparisons can be made at the national level. There are several challenges that exist for law enforcement agencies, including the need to retool their RMS to comply with the new rules that have been established, cost, and organizational change. This whitepaper discusses the following:

MCP Helps Region 13 Better Understand Its GIS Environment

In Summary:

  • GIS-generated geospatial data will be used in the NG911 environment to ensure that emergency calls are routed to the appropriate emergency communications center (ECC) to dispatch the appropriate emergency response
  • Today, Region 13 Task Force, a collaborative effort of 14 counties in southwestern Pennsylvania, plus the city of Pittsburgh, manages a emergency services Internet Protocol (IP) network (ESInet). To continue their efforts towards a regionwide approach, the task force wanted the ability to share data between the counties
  • Having the ability to access data regionally will go a long way toward eliminating gaps and overlaps along jurisdictional boundaries that negatively impact the abilty to dispatch the appropriate response to an emergency incident, amongst other benefits

Why Body-Worn Cameras Should Be on the Radar Screen of Every Law Enforcement Agency

In Summary: 

  • A concept that is gaining considerable traction in the law-enforcement community today is that of the "connected officer," which has at its core a plethora of mission-critical technology
  • Citizens are demanding more in-depth investigations into how field personnel interact with the public and apply force.
  • According to a study that involved officers on all shifts being issued body-worn cameras, 60 percent fewer incidents and 88 percent fewer citizen complaints about officer misconduct were reported
  • This whitepaper provides a close examination of the body-worn camera implementation process, including the necessary steps for a successful deployment of this technology

The body-worn camera has become a critical tool for law-enforcement agencies. This whitepaper discusses the following: