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Cybersecurity Threat Advisory: New Microsoft Exchange Zero-Day Vulnerability

A new critical security alert requires the mission-critical community’s immediate attention.

Topics: Cybersecurity

Swatting Has Serious Implications and Shouldn’t Be Ignored

A rash of “swatting” incidents recently occurred across the country.

A Lot Can Go Wrong With an LMR System Upgrade or Replacement — Part Two

Part one of this blog series identified a series of questions that must be contemplated by any agency that is considering a land mobile radio (LMR) system upgrade or replacement project.

A Lot Can Go Wrong With an LMR System Upgrade or Replacement — Part One

Public safety broadband networks, such as the one being implemented by the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet), are getting a lot of attention these days.

Grant Alert: Unprecedented Cybersecurity Grants for State and Local Governments Announced

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released its long-awaited State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program

Resolving the Current 911 Staffing Crisis Requires Creative Thinking

Arguably the most severe challenge impacting emergency communications centers (ECCs) today concerns a nationwide personnel shortage that has reached a crisis stage. Numerous factors

Geographic Information Systems Are Great Tools for Public Safety, But Usually Need Refinement

Geographic information systems (GIS) play a vital role in the Next Generation 911 (NG911) environment. Harnessing the location and advanced

Grant Alert: New Missouri Grants Available to Enhance Local Cybersecurity Preparedness

As part of our effort to help clients find applicable grants to achieve their goals, MCP provides alerts about grants that can fund their initiatives.Two new

Twelve Must-Know Steps for Threat and Vulnerability Management

As individuals, we take numerous protective steps throughout the year, e.g., buying insurance, monitoring credit, getting annual physicals and flu shots, getting dental x-rays and routine

Cybersecurity Threat Advisory: Palo Alto Networks Firewall Vulnerability

A new critical security alert requires the mission-critical community’s immediate attention.

Florida Enacts New State and Local Government Cybersecurity Act

In 2021, the Biden administration announced a massive federal initiative to bolster cybersecurity across the private and public sectors.