
Tennessee Emergency Communications Board to Focus on Enhancing Statewide Cybersecurity

 Assessment will help guide the state’s 911 agencies in increasing cybersecurity preparedness

State College, Pa., (July 29, 2020)—The Tennessee Emergency Communications Board (TECB), today announced a partnership with Mission Critical Partners (MCP), a leading mission-critical communications consulting and information technology (IT) support services firm, on a new project focused on assessing the cybersecurity status of the state’s 142 public safety answering points (PSAPs). When completed, the cybersecurity assessment will provide the PSAPs with an understanding of their baseline status and increased awareness of vulnerabilities.

Lower Rio Grande Development Council Selects MCP to Provide 911 Network Support Services

MCP will provide 911 network management and monitoring services that reduce the risk of unplanned outages and optimize performance

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (Sept 24, 2019)—Mission Critical Partners (MCP), a leading public safety consulting and information technology (IT) support services firm, recently was awarded a contract to provide communications network/system management and monitoring services to the public safety agencies served by the Lower Rio Grande Valley Development Council (LRGVDC) in Texas.

MCP Announces April Webinar Focused on "How to Deploy an Effective 911 Network Management Program"

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (April 16, 2018) — Mission Critical Partners (MCP) will host a live, 60-minute webinar on April 26 on how to deploy an effective 911 network management program and discuss strategies for preventing unplanned disruptions in 911 centers.

Mission Critical Partners Adds Lifecycle Management Services

Mission Critical Partners, Inc. (MCP) announced that it has launched a new service offering, lifecycle management services, that is intended to help public safety agencies better manage their communications infrastructure and maximize their technology investments.