
Mission Critical Partners Helps Salt Lake Valley 911 Center Meet Statutory Requirements

Law enacted in 2024 sets strict call-transfer limits for Utah’s 911 centers; firm’s subject-matter experts are assessing Salt Lake Valley Emergency Communication Center’s ability to comply now and in the future

Mission Critical Partners to Assess Columbus’s Alternative Response Capabilities

Firm will review approaches utilized by Columbus, Ohio, to provide 911 service and emergency response for incidents outside traditional law enforcement, fire/rescue. and emergency medical

MCP in the News: Portland Launches Effort to Study and Improve Public Safety Response

The City of Portland’s Community Safety Division is working with Mission Critical Partners (MCP) – a consulting firm specializing in public safety and justice – to study Portland’s emergency response process and consider alternative response models.

MCP in the News: A Look at 9-1-1 ECC Staffing Challenges

This article originally appeared in MissionCritical Communications.

Never has it been more difficult for emergency communications centers (ECCs) to function well.

MCP in the News: How Much Tech is Too Much?

Technology may be distracting us from our most effective emergency response.

This article originally appeared in Public Safety Communciations' magazine, and can be found here.

Mission Critical Partners Enhances Support to Atlanta Police Department

STATE COLLEGE, PA. (December 1, 2020)Mission Critical Partners (MCP), a leading provider of consulting, data integration, and cybersecurity and network support services for law enforcement and other mission-critical organizations, has enhanced its support of the Atlanta Police Department’s communications section by adding two new staff members. The new hires will provide dedicated subject matter expertise in computer-aided dispatch (CAD) and geographic information systems (GIS), which will be particularly advantageous as the department implements its new CAD system.

MCP in the News: Maintaining ECC Operations During a Public Health Crisis

This article, authored by MCP's Bonnie Maney was recently featured in Police Chief Magazine and can be viewed in this issue.

MCP to Conduct EMS Financial Study in Harford County, MD

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (July 22, 2020)—Mission Critical Partners (MCP), a leading public safety consulting and information technology (IT) support services firm, was selected by the Department of Emergency Services in Harford County, Maryland (HCDES), to conduct a complete a study of current emergency medical services (EMS) operations, and to make recommendations for developing a five-year plan for the department.

John Chiaramonte Joins PPVAR Board of Directors

Will help guide the organization in its quest to improve the safety and effectiveness of the emergency response community by championing alarm verification prior to notification

Manatee County, FL, Selects MCP to Support EMS Strategic Plan Development

STATE COLLEGE, Pa. (July 8, 2020)—Mission Critical Partners (MCP), a leading public safety consulting and information technology (IT) support services firm, was selected by Manatee County, Florida, to support development of a five-year strategic plan for its emergency medical services (EMS) division.

MCP in the News: Maintaining ECC Operations Remotely During a Public Health Crisis

This article, which originally appeared in Police Chief Magazine Tech Talk, was authored by Mission Critical Partners' Bonnie Maney, Enterprise Client Manager. The full article is accessible here.

Mission Critical Partners Launches the MCP Podcast Network

New informational offering features the firm’s subject-matter experts and other industry leaders exploring a wide range of timely topics pertaining to mission-critical communications

State College, Pa., (April 23, 2020)—Mission Critical Partners (MCP), a leading public safety consulting and information technology (IT) support services firm, today announced the MCP Podcast Network, an informational series that will explore timely topics related to mission-critical communications. Each episode will feature one or more of MCP’s 145 subject-matter experts and/or industry leaders, and will be moderated by Glenn Bischoff, MCP content specialist and former editor of Urgent Communications and Fire Chief magazines.